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Nap Hack: Drinking Coffee to Stay Awake & How to Do it Right

What is the best way to drink coffee to keep yourself awake?

We get it, you are tired. Sometimes, a fresh cup of coffee is the perfect way to get a little extra pep in your step! Especially, when you’ve been at it all day. So how does coffee keep you awake, and can drinking a cup of Joe really help you feel more alert?

Coffee contains caffeine, a compound that reduces feelings of exhaustion and fatigue. As such, coffee can definitely help to reduce sleepiness and fatigue, especially in a mental sense. But is there a scientifically proven way to drink coffee to keep awake?

In this guide, that is exactly what we are going to discuss! 

How to drink coffee to stay awake? Best Method = Coffee Nap

Consuming ‘full-caff’ coffee (coffee that contains caffeine) is enough to give most people a noticeable pick-me-up. However, there actually is a correct way to drink coffee in terms of maximum energy delivery and “awakeness”.

The Best Way to Improve Alertness Using Coffee is By Taking a Speedy 15 Minute Power Nap. Here’s How!

Oddly enough, the best way to maximize your energy output after drinking coffee is to take a quick power nap before the effects of caffeine start working. While this may sound counterproductive, if you drink a cup of coffee, take a shot of espresso, or have a nice cappuccino, a quick power nap is the best way to reduce feelings of grogginess and ensure that the caffeine is delivered effectively.

As you sleep, the caffeine from the coffee you just consumed can enter your system and begin going to. Generally, caffeine absorption takes between 15 and 30 minutes. As the caffeine begins to take effect, you will likely begin feeling alert and wake up from your power nap naturally.

However, if you are a heavy sleeper, it may also be wise to set an alarm. A 10 to 30-minute power nap can do wonders for your mind and body when you are feeling exhausted! Combined with the effects of caffeine, you can give yourself a noticeable energy boost.

So, the bottom line is that taking a quick 15 to 30-minute power nap immediately after finishing your coffee is a great way to maximize the effects of caffeine and rejuvenate your energyAs the caffeine kicks in, you should naturally wake from your nap, feeling more refreshed, and ready to take on whatever lies ahead. 

Will drinking coffee at night wake you up?

Caffeine is known to disrupt the natural sleeping and waking cycle. So, if you drink caffeine at night, it may be more difficult to get sleep. This can be good news if you need to stay awake for your job or due to some other unforeseen circumstance, and bad news if you have a cup of coffee too late at night. If you want the warm comfort of coffee at night, simply switch to decaf. (You can find some amazing flavored decaf coffees for sale here.)

Or, if you need a pick-me-up because you have no choice but to stay alert late into the evening, a cup of coffee should do the trick. Just remember never to operate a vehicle or any heavy machinery when you are drowsy, as this can be incredibly dangerous, regardless of how much coffee you drink. If you’re tired, that is likely your body telling you to rest.

How does coffee wake you up?

Coffee wakes people up because it contains caffeine. Caffeine is absorbed into the body and is distributed from the stomach to the brain. In the brain, caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, reducing that “sleepy” feeling and making you feel more alert.

Drinking Coffee to Stay Awake: Tips and Safety Considerations

If you are consuming coffee because you feel tired, there are some do’s and don’ts to consider. Here are a few tips to keep in mind for your health, safety, and maximum alertness.

Coffee Drinking DOs:

 Do consume a meal or snack when drinking coffee. This can help reduce feelings of nausea and give you energy that will last longer than a quick caffeine boost. Especially, if you consume protein.

• Do pay attention to how much caffeine a cup of coffee has. The average cup of coffee can contain anywhere from 75 to 105 mg of caffeine. A shot of espresso contains a similar amount of caffeine, between 65 and 95 mg. The average adult should never consume more than 400 mg of caffeine in 24 hours.

• Do Take a power nap immediately after consuming your coffee. If at all possible, take a quick 15 to 30-minute power nap after quickly downing a cup of coffee.

Why? As the caffeine in the coffee goes to work in your body, you will be able to catch up on some much-needed rest. Then, the caffeine should naturally give you an alert feeling, leaving you more refreshed than if you only had coffee sans the power nap. The ideal power nap should be more than 9 minutes and less than 30 minutes long, usually between 10-20 minutes. 

(Tip: if you aren’t confident that you will wake up in time, don’t rely on the coffee to arouse you, and be sure to set an alarm.)

Coffee Drinking DONTs:

• Don’t rely solely on caffeine to stay awake. If your body is demanding rest, the best possible option is to allow yourself to take a break and get some much-needed sleep.

• Don’t drive or operate heavy machinery when you are tired. According to some studies, driving tired is just as dangerous as driving drunk! Coffee isn’t a fix for serious exhaustion, sleep is.

Find Delicious Flavored Coffee For Sale Online

Are you ready to supply your caffeine stash with delicious flavored coffee to keep you awake and warm you up? If so, we highly recommend checking out these flavored brews with full caffeine content! Or, if you want to make delicious cold brew coffee from home, check out this impressive selection of gourmet blends and dark roast single-origin coffee beans.

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